DIY Bamboo House
This house was built in Punta Brava, Izabal, Guatemala, with the intention of providing permanent, high-quality housing that is resilient to climate change. It is built entirely of bamboo, raised on concrete stilts at a height of 1.30m above the ground to protect its residents from flooding that is becoming more frequent due to climate change. The house has 70 square meters of construction, 2 or 3 bedrooms, 1 full kitchen, 1 full bathroom, 1 outdoor living room and 1 family balcony. The house is designed to be built with few and simple tools and with simple techniques that are accessible to people anywhere in the world.
The house was designed and built under the Climate Smart Forest Economy Program, to whom we are eternally grateful for believing in and financing this pilot. The interest from the beginning was to design a widely publicized quality sustainable housing model, for which we share all the documentation: Photos, Construction Plans, Renderings, Videos, and a Budget. Please understand that this is not complete, it is still a work in progress, but we wanted to present it in its semi-complete form so that it can already be useful. We make this content 100% available and free and we hope it will be widely disseminated and many people can replicate it. We believe 100% in the power of Karma, and we deliver 100% of this content to the public, you can use, modify, adapt, copy, distribute, rename, without attribution, but use it!
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Construction Video Manual
9 Videos