
Bamboo Houses to Address the Global Housing Crisis

DIY Bamboo house

DIY Bamboo Houses

bamboo shot news

How bamboo can help solve the world housing and climate crises

ods tv

PNUD y Ciudades Conectadas premian 10 iniciativas

La Fundación Ciudades Conectadas y el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) lanzaron la iniciativa ODS TV, la cual seleccionó a 10 proyectos que estén alineados a la Agenda 2030 y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de los cuales Guatemala es signataria.
Services Page Construimos

Un crecimiento más ordenado reduce la huella ambiental

El sector construcción es la segunda industria que produce efectos invernaderos por ello, según Antonio Aguilar, es necesario que toda la industria contemple los ODS en sus actividades y que la construcción se dé de forma ordenada a través de planes de ordenamiento territorial.
Services Page Energia

Winner of the 2018 ReSource Award

CASSA builds sustainable social housing that provides users with clean water, clean energy and sanitation. Homes capture, filter, and store rainwater, reuse grey water in a family garden, feature full-service sanitation, and include solar panels as well as efficient smokeless stoves.

He studied astrophysics at Harvard, was the 9th person to join Facebook, and now has built Guatemala’s first ‘self-sufficient’ home

GUATEMALA CITY – Developing countries might not be at the forefront of the sustainability movement, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a demand for it.
2014 03 05 12 28 55 min

Guatemala builds country´s first self-sufficient house

“I was searching on the internet for alternative houses – aside from block, cement and metal,” says Amilcar Cachoy. “I´ve always wanted an ecological house like this […] but I didn´t have the opportunity because the materials and resources were out of my reach…”