Diseño Buena Vista


85 m2

  • 1 Dormitorio
  • 1 Baño completo
  • Sala/comedor/cocina
  • Estudio
  • Walking closet
  • Paneles solares
  • Captación de agua lluvia
  • Saneamiento (Sistema propio de drenaje)
  • Cisterna de 5,000 litros, filtros y bomba de agua
  • Acabado de alta calidad
  • Materiales de construcción sostenibles
  •  Mano de obra, supervisión y garantía

This house is designd with natural building materials with an extensive view to the outside, through it large windows and glass doors. The topography of the terrain is used to create stacked levels within the home. It features a front deck and a beautiful garden that takes advantge of our grey-water separation system that uses this reclaimed water for gardening.
