Modelo Encino I


300 m2

  • 4 Dormitorios
  • 4 Baños
  • 2 Salas
  • Comedor
  • Cocina
  • Estudio
  • Bodega
  • Bar
  • Deck
  • Paneles solares
  • Captación de agua lluvia
  • Saneamiento (Sistema propio de drenaje)
  • Cisterna de 5,000 litros, filtros y bomba de agua
  •  Acabado de alta calidad
  •  Materiales de construcción sostenibles
  •  Mano de obra, supervisión y garantía
This impressive house demonstrates that sustainability and natural materials can be used on any scale. It is built with stone perimeter walls, internal structural frames of imposing columns and bamboo beams supporting a bamboo and concrete mezzanine slab. All the walls of the second level are made of peeled bamboo on the outside and varnished on the inside. The floors are a combination of porcelain, ceramic and HDF. Large windows throughout the home provide ample lighting and natural ventilation. Complementing these beautiful environments are lamps and bamboo furniture.