Diseño Manzano


254 m2

  • 2 Dormitorios
  • 2 Baños completos
  • 2 Walking closet
  • 1 Vestíbulo
  • Sala
  • Comedor
  • Cocina
  • Oficina
  • Área de lectura
  • Bodega
  •  Paneles solares
  •  Captación de agua lluvia
  •  Saneamiento (Sistema propio de drenaje)
  •  Cisterna de 5,000 litros, filtros y bomba de agua
  •  Acabado de alta calidad
  •  Materiales de construcción sostenibles
  •  Mano de obra, supervisión y garantía

The A-shaped structure generates high spaces on the second level and wide spaces on the first level. All rooms have large windows to take advantage of natural lighting and ventilation. The roof deck also has large windows to naturally illuminate and ventilate the whole second level. The first level is made of concrete and block with some bamboo walls, while the second level is a completely bamboo structure with plastered walls and exposed roof.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
