Instituto Puente

Los Amates

300 m2

  •  1 Laboratorio
  •  1 Aula de Ciencia
  •  1 Biblioteca de 2 niveles
  •  Paneles solares
  •  Captación de agua lluvia
  •  Saneamiento (Sistema propio de drenaje)
  •  Cisterna de 5,000 litros, filtros y bomba de agua
  •  Acabado de alta calidad
  •  Materiales de construcción sostenibles
  •  Mano de obra, supervisión y garantía

It’s important that from an early age, our children learn to take responsibility for their environmental impact. This space was built in collaboration with the community, co-creating with them and listening to their ideas and needs. This architecture was the result of a collaborative design that creates a heightened sense of ownership and identification, leading users to value and caretake the building. Natural and highly local materials were used for construction, like bamboo, adobe and wood. It was designed with curved and natural shapes, inspired by the way in which nature weaves its designs. Like all CASSA buildings, it has the integration of all the services with elements of sustainability.
