Remodelación II


70 m2

  •  Se demolieron y se construyeron nuevas paredes
  •  Se cambio todo el techo con estructura de bambú
  •  Remodelación de los ambientes
  •  Se resanaron todas las paredes
  •  Paneles solares • Captación de agua lluvia
  •  Saneamiento (Sistema propio de drenaje)
  •  Cisterna de 5,000 litros, filtros y bomba de agua
  •  Acabado de alta calidad
  •  Materiales de construcción sostenibles
  •  Mano de obra, supervisión y garantía

In this incredible remodeling in Jutiapa of 70 m2, all the rooms were transformed adding lighting and ventilation to dark and enclosed spaces, also gave efficient use to several spaces that were unused. The entire roof was changed with bamboo structure, captures rainwater, has an efficient wood stove and an electric stove, a 5,000 liter cistern was built, new walls were demolished and built, large windows were opened, flooring was installed, all walls were resurfaced, tile was installed and all sanitary fixtures were changed.
