• 5 Dormitorios
• 2 Baño con tina
• Sala
• Comedor
• Cocina
• Paneles solares
• Captación de agua lluvia
• Saneamiento (Sistema propio de drenaje)
• Cisterna de 5,000 litros, filtros y bomba de agua
• Acabado de alta calidad
House that makes the most of its square footage and that with its straight vertical line makes very good use of the elevated space to generate a new bedroom to accommodate a large family. The social area is quite wide and promotes coexistence to the maximum. The construction structure is made of cast concrete, block and bamboo exterior enclosing walls and internal bamboo dividing walls. The bamboo stands out on the main façade of the block and achieves a beautiful harmony with the environment.
Site designed and maintained by Lowthian Design Works.
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