Vivienda – San José Pinula

San José Pinula

58 m2

  • 2 Dormitorio
  • 1 Baño
  • Sala
  • Comedor
  • Cocina
  • Paneles solares
  • Captación de agua lluvia
  • Saneamiento (Sistema propio de drenaje)
  • Cisterna de 5,000 litros, filtros y bomba de agua
  • Acabado de alta calidad

This house is the living manifestation of a family’s determination, perseverance and effort to achieve their dream of living in their own home. This is why for CASSA it was a great pleasure to be able to support them and co-create this design that fits specifically to their needs. The house is built with concrete structural frames, with a cinder block walls on the outside and bamboo dividing walls with varnish and stucoo on the inside. This construction system will allow the fmaily to expand their house in the near future. The house consists of 2 bedrooms, 1 full bathroom, a social space (living room, dining and kitchen), a covered outdoor patio and a wheelchair accesible ramp. Like every CASSA home, it integrates all elements of sustainability: rainwater capture, water cistern for storage, pump for redistribution inside the house, LED lighting, gray water separation and reutilization in a family garden, and an underground black water treatment system.
